How to avoid hypoglycemia

If you’ve been working out, playing sports, or even when you’re at your office desk the entire day, you’ll find that at some point you would feel woozy, dizzy, or nauseous. This is because your body is going through hypoglycemia. In simple terms, hypoglycemia is the condition wherein your body experiences an abnormal decrease of sugar in your blood. That’s right folks, too little sugar is also bad for the body. So how are you supposed to avoid this if you’ve exerted too much effort or if you haven’t had a bite to eat or even a drink all day? The trick here is not to go on an empty stomach. Although you won’t feel it at first, doing something on an empty stomach or starving yourself would mean that you would be depriving your body of essential nutrients that it needs to function properly. So doing something strenuous or going without food for an extended period of time would result to dizziness and weakness. Have snacks in your bag that are high in sugar content to help keep your blood sugar up if you feel that hypoglycemia starts to kick in. Candy bars, fruit, or even beverages with sugar in them will help your body function properly till you get a proper meal in you. Most persons that are diabetic have cookies, small pieces of chocolate or even candy that they have in their desk, car, or bag precisely for these reasons. If you haven’t eaten yet, bring something along to stave off hypoglycemia.