How to get a better sleep

If it’s getting hard for you to get a great sleep at night, you might want to try some of the tips listed below. Albeit some of them might seem unconventional, they certainly do work.

Eat a meal of sleep superfoods

While normally going to sleep on a full stomach can be very uncomfortable, there are certain foods that could actually help you to get some sleep. Nutritionists recommend a combination of protein foods and tryptophan which is an amino acid that converts to sleep-inducing serotonin in the human body. Achieving this combination is easier than you might think. An ideal sleep-promoting meal would consist of whole-wheat pasta served with chicken, tomato sauce, some fresh vegetables and parmesan cheese.

If you are still hungry at night, you might also try having a bowl of sliced bananas topped with some creamy cottage cheese for another dose of tryptophan. Other combinations of healthy carbs and protein could be graham crackers served with milk or cereals and yoghurt.

Taking an early bath

If you usually take a hot bath in your tub right before you go to bed, you might notice that sleep does not come so easily. Raising your body temperature right before bedtime is actually a deterrent to finding a good sleep. Just like if you had worked out right before going to bed, your body would wait until it has cooled down to a certain temperature in order to reach slumber. Ideally, you could indulge in your afternoon hot bath right after you get home so that your body would get plenty of time to cool down before you hit the sack.