Why People Choose to Have Labiaplasty Minnesota

Many women have heard of labiaplasty Minnesota and they wonder if it’s something that is for them.  Below you will find the information about this surgery and who could benefit from it.

Anyone who’s dissatisfied either with the shape or size of the labia can have this done as long as they are able to pay for it, since it’s considered plastic surgery.  But below are some reasons why people want to get this done.


  • The labia are oversized and therefore it’s uncomfortable to put on clothes, have sex, or exercise.  In other words it makes it really hard to function like a normal person.
  • The size of the labia embarrasses you and that makes you self-conscious, which makes it hard to be intimate with another person.
  • The labia are asymmetrical, which means that one of the sides is longer or larger. When this happens this is really embarrassing.
  • There is another kind of asymmetry which causes sexual function loss, embarrassment, or some kind of other problems.
  • You are going through sexual reassignment.
  • You would like to improve the way that you look because you don’t like the way that you look.


If you have one of these problems above, this kind of surgery might be right for you. If you are looking for a doctor to do this kind of surgery, Dr Berenholz is a good person to turn to. The doctor is also able to help with heavy periods and
cryoablation of the endometrium.