Don’t Invite Negative Concepts Into Your Life

Written by Dr. Eric Amidi.


My book “The Secret Behind The Secret” shows exactly how you can benefit by understanding how the Laws of Attraction truly work. As an expert in neuroscience, I have unraveled many of the ways that the brain helps us to select paths from the almost limitless amount of options that the world has to offer. One of the key elements that many people don’t realize is that they have the power to control the negative aspects in their lives. The power of the human mind gives everyone the ability to let in — or keep out — negative thoughts that will always lead to damaging consequences.


The Law of Attraction teaches us that even fleeting thoughts about something can grow larger over time. And as these thoughts grow larger, they become more powerful and will make it more likely for those thoughts to turn into reality. This is true for positive and negative thoughts, so dwelling on things you don’t want to happen will only make it more likely to actually happen.


Knowing this gives us an easy path toward fulfillment. It’s important to put maximum effort into positive thoughts in order to have positive things happen in our lives. Focusing these thoughts into the things that are most important to us — and the goals we most want to achieve — is the best way to lock out negative thoughts and the consequences that come from them.



Eric Amidi is a leading self-help author and expert. Dr. Eric Amidi uses his background as a Quantum Physicist to unlock ways that the mind can help people achieve fulfillment and prosperity.