Sugar is not the real enemy; it’s your lack of self-control

If you’re someone that’s struggling with keeping their weight or blood sugar levels in check, there are several factors involved that may have influenced your blood sugar readings. Chances are, you may be too stressed at work, or you’re actually not eating right. If it’s the latter, don’t be too quick at putting the blame on sugar. As a matter of fact, it’s actually your self-control that’s the problem. Eating too much pastries, desserts, or even food that’s high in sugar or starch will cause your blood sugar level to shoot up and your weight at high levels as well. If you want to try and shed off some pounds, learn how to control your appetite and eat right. And of course, exercise is always a given when you want to get healthy and fit. But for now, let’s focus on controlling those urges. Did you know that your body has trouble distinguishing thirst from hunger? And moreover, your body can sometimes send you signals that you’re hungry when you’re bored as well. These are a few factors that you need to take note of and deal with accordingly. If you feel that you’re hungry, try drinking a glass of water first and see if those hunger pangs go away. If not, then opt for food that’s rich in vitamins and nutrients, not food that’s loaded with sodium, sugars, and calories. Self-control can be a very effective and powerful tool in getting healthy. So if you’re thinking about opening a candy bar, think things over.